Fall is the perfect time to for planting bulbs. The temperatures are beginning to fall, the ground is still malleable, and the fall sunlight is calling me outside. Plus, the more bulbs I plant now (before the ground is frozen), the more colorful blooms I will have to look forward to not only next spring, […]
Creating a Colorful Summer Garden with Wave Petunias
Bill and I spend a lot of time in our garden and look forward to creating a colorful summer garden each spring when our local garden shops are filled with new flowers and other plants. Over the years we have found a few favorite annuals that we eagerly add to the garden each spring. One […]
Our Country Garden: Notes and Ideas of the Reluctant Gardener
(October 6, 2022) I’m back! Welcome to the second installment of my monthly garden notes and ideas from our country garden. It might seem odd that I started my monthly garden notes as peak garden season is winding down, but there is a bit of reason behind the madness. (Note: If you want to understand […]
Our Country Garden: Notes and Ideas of the Reluctant Gardener
Welcome to the first installment of my monthly garden notes and ideas from our country garden. Before getting started, let me explain why I call myself the reluctant gardener. I consider myself a reluctant gardener primarily because it took ten years of country living to decide that I wanted a piece of our country garden […]
7 Tips for Planting Hydrangeas in a Country Garden
Today I’m sharing 7 tips for planting hydrangeas in a country garden. Before I jump into the nitty gritty of planting, I want to share with you my inspiration for adding more of these gorgeous plants to our country garden. So, let’s get started. Sponsored: This content is sponsored by Spring Hill Nurseries. Use my […]