Do you have a favorite martini? Do you love to throw a picnic? I love both AND the crimson clover is in full bloom, so I decided it was time to plan a spring picnic right smack dab in the middle of the clover field. I thought I would make a beautiful three-layer cake…a gorgeous sponge similar to what you might find on the Great British Baking Show. But, Bill suggested martinis. So his and her martinis, think Pepperoncini (His) and Chocolate (Hers), and a spring picnic coming up. Let me tell you more!

So, if you’ve followed me for a while on Instagram then you know that I love throwing a picnic. You also know that my picnics are typically picnics for two. The two being Bill and me. What you may not know is that I have a thing for chocolate martinis.
There’s a bit of a story behind my love for chocolate martinis (as explained below). It has to do with my love for Bill. Any romantics out there?
First Picnic of Spring 2021
Let’s get back to the picnic. I love planning picnics at home on our property. It’s something all of us can do. Whether you live on a farm or in a neighborhood or in the city, each of us can find a spot to dine outdoors. I always find something special about moving a meal (or dessert or drinks) outside.
For my first picnic of spring 2021, I decided to keep it simple. Our menu would be cake. Bill decided simple was good, but that our menu should be switched to martinis (in lieu of cake). Done! I also thought I’d throw in a basket of dominoes just in case the competitive spirit hit.

So Bill agreed to mix up some martinis for us. When it comes to martinis, there are definitely His and Her Martinis in our household. Think Pepperoncini (His) and Chocolate (Hers). Bill loves martinis created with pickled pepperoncinis that he cans himself. I love very basic chocolate martinis without any garnish.
With the martinis in Bill’s trusty hands, I headed to the Crimson Clover field to set up our picnic. I grabbed Pippi (our trusty Kabota), a table, a few chairs and got to work.

Penny’s Chocolate Martini (Hers)
Let’s start with my chocolate martini and a little back story. The first time I had a chocolate martini, I was with Bill and a group of our colleagues. We were having dinner at a local restaurant in New Hampshire and I was in the mood to try something new. One of my colleagues recommended the chocolate martini, so I gave it a try and another try just to be sure. The chocolate martini has since been my absolute favorite martini. After all, it’s like having a drink and dessert all in one. Who needs cake when you can have a martini?!?
You may wonder why I remember this day so clearly. This day and the days preceding it are part of our story. The story of when Bill and I went from being colleagues to more than colleagues.
Bill had held my hand for the first time just a few days earlier. We were walking down the streets of Kennebunkport, Maine in October 2006. I was 40 at the time and he was 45. I felt like a school girl but knew this was a bit more than a school girl crush.
Bill and I dated a few short months in late 2006 before getting engaged and were married in March 2007. A few years later we moved out to the country and have never looked back. I love the quiet, and the pond and the wildlife. Plus there is plenty of room to garden, tend to our flock and throw whimsical picnics.
Our trip to the east coast will always be such a fun memory!

Bill’s Pickled Pepperoncini Martini (His)
Bill’s martini is a newer discovery. Last summer Bill canned pepperoncinis from his garden. Yes, Bill cans! And, Bill gardens and Bill cooks. I do all of these things too, but not nearly as often as Bill.
If you do any gardening, then you know that each crop always seems to be ready to harvest all at once. As soon as the harvest begins, the search for creative ways to take advantage of fresh produce ensues and then we eventually resort to canning and freezing (when our taste buds can no longer keep up with a certain seasonal crop).
Last summer, Bill canned A LOT of pepperoncinis and we began searching for pepperoncini recipes to try. I love adding the pickled pepperoncinis to salads and I have a Italian Roast recipe from my mother in law that is amazing. (It uses pickled pepperoncinis and is served on homemade rolls. I definitely need to share it with you.) But, two options were not doing the trick. We needed more pickled pepperoncini recipes.
Bill discovered the perfect solution–Pickled Pepperoncini Martinis. He loves this pickled pepperoncini martini. I do not. It reminds me of my great grandmother, Maud–who I love and miss dearly, making us drink pickle juice if we swallowed a fish bone on vacation. Yuk!
But, if your palette loves brine, then this martini recipe is for you!
Let’s Make His and Her Martinis
His and Her Martinis: Think Pepperoncini (His) and Chocolate (Hers)

- 2 1/2 ounces Vodka
- 1 1/2 ounces Creme de Cacao
- Optional Garnish-Chocolate Shavings
- 2 1/2 ounces Vodka
- 1/2 ounce Dry Vermouth
- 1 ounce Pepperoncini Brine
- Opt. Garnish-Whole Pepperoncinis
- For each martini recipe, fill a cocktail shaker 1/2 with ice.
- Add the vodka and other ingredients.
- Shake vigorously for at least 30 seconds.
- Use a strainer to pour into cocktail glass.
- Garnish and repeat.
- Serve immediately.
Getting Started
Martinis are fairly simple to make and there are so many different options to try. My best tip is use the best ingredients, which means start with your favorite vodka. Below you will find an overview of each: Ingredients, Kitchen Tools and Basic Steps.
Chocolate Martini (Hers)
- 2 1/2 ounces Vodka
- 1 1/2 ounces Creme de Cacao
- Optional Garnish-Chocolate Shaving
- Ice
Pickled Pepperoncini Martini (His)
- 2 1/2 ounces Vodka
- 1/2 ounce Dry Vermouth
- 1 ounce Pepperoncini Brine
- Optional Garnish-Whole Pepperoncinis
- Ice

Kitchen Tools You May Need
- Cocktail Shaker and Strainer
- Martini Glasses
Basic Steps
- For each martini recipe, fill a cocktail shaker 1/2 with ice.
- Add the vodka and other ingredients.
- Shake vigorously for at least 30 seconds.
- Use a strainer to pour into cocktail glass.
- Garnish and repeat.
- Serve immediately.

Next Time
Some day I’ll have to tell you more about our first trip together and “our story”…a story that goes from 5 years of being colleagues to quickly becoming a blended family of five. It includes fostering seven girls after our kiddos went off to college, retiring early and living the sweet country life tending to our gardens and flock. Maybe you’ll want to make yourself a chocolate martini and do a little light reading. Or maybe a pickled pepperoncini martini is more your style.
And, if you have any specific questions about “our story” that you’d like me to share, please be sure to drop me a note in the comments section.
In the meantime, choose joy and picnic often!

That was a sweet story and a great picnic!!!
Thanks so much Cindy! Maybe we’ll have a chance to drink martinis together someday!
What a great story! I really never have had a martini until my caramel or Carmel martini just recently, and I can’t wait to go back and get another!
Hi, Pam! Thanks for stopping by…your caramel martini sounds amazing. I can’t wait to try one.
Awww, Penny I love this so much! I have to try the chocolate martini.
But I love that you guys walked hand in hand in Kennebunkport. Dee and I ended up there on our honeymoon, by happenstance, and to this day we wish we had just bought a place and moved there. We loved it so much! I for one would love to hear more of your story! 😊😘
Let’s do it! We can sell everything and move to Kennebunkport! We can eat lobster daily and drink chocolate martinis.
I enjoyed your Martini & Bill story. You both sound like a fun loving couple… I love picnics too! The red clover field is very pretty..I noticed you made a clover bouquet for your table, how cute!!!❤❤Looking forward to more picnic “talk” & recipes…by the way, love to play dominoes!
Thanks so much, La Donna! I love adding flowers to my picnics and thought the clover would make a simple bouquet. I had just picked up the 3 bottles at a garage sale for 75 cents! Too much fun. Thanks for joining me!